Friday, May 8, 2009

22 Weeks 2 Days

I got a call from Dr. Rockman's office yesterday evening saying he wouldn't be in next Friday so I needed to reschedule my appointment. As it was, I was supposed to go in this week for my checkup, but had to reschedule because I've been trapped in a training all week long. Well, lucky for us, he had an opening this afternoon, which was perfect because I had a slight scare Thursday.

We went in today and heard Christina's heart beat and got a clean bill of health for both of us! My cervix is completely closed and I'm not dialating *phew*. Christina's heartbeat was 150 bpm, which is great, and Dr. Rockman says that she's weighing in at about a pound and a half! Mommy's chunky monkey! I have a very mild infection, but nothing a little pill won't cure. I have gained a total of 11 pounds and even though I was concerned about that, the Dr. says that I'm fine so I guess I'm ok with it.

I killed some time this afternoon on my way to go get Sam for the appointment. I stopped in at a resale shop for baby and children's clothes and picked her up some onesies and sleepers. OMG they are adorable! I washed them when I got home and they are now hanging in her closet just waiting for her. I need to really get a move on getting things ready for her. I don't know what the hold up has been, but I'm starting to get anxious about getting everything done for her. I am waiting for her bedding to come in so I can decide for sure what color I'm going with for paint. The bedding is a pink with chocolate brown trim, but I can't remember now what shade of pink. Ha! Pink! Who would have thought that pink would catch my eye like it has been. Katherine, you were sooooo right! I still need to get her more clothes (girls can never have enough clothes), bath stuff, all kinds of stuff! I'm sure like most FTM's, I keep looking at the shelves at Babies R Us and I can't make heads or tails about what I need and what I don't need.

Sam's Grandma Hill sent her a white crochet dress and matching bonnet this week. It is the most precious thing I have ever seen! We have decided that it will be her coming home outfit.

Christina has been moving around so much these past few days. I can't believe how fast this pregnancy is going! I am cherishing this time when we are one in the same, and I can't help but wonder if I'll be sad when she's out here in the world. I can't believe I am having a baby! After everything we have been through and now this is really happening!


  1. Maria, you really should have a baby shower and register for all the things you need! Of course you'll still get to buy stuff, but your friends want to help! If you at least register, you won't have to do all of it yourself, and you'll get to open lots of presents. :)

  2. You know, I decided yesterday to go ahead and register. I'll let you know when I do it. :)

  3. YAY!! I agree with Jean you might REALLY enjoy being spoiled at the baby certainly deserve it.

  4. Notice how when I add a looks like you are talking to yourself lol :)

  5. Lol! I like the "shout out" in your blog! Lol. I"m glad to hear that everything is going good. It's so exciting when you actually get the bedding and crib set up and the nursery starts to come together! And to see her little outfits ready for her to wear....nothing can compete with that!

    Don't worry about feeling that way at Babies R Us - I was the same way. You wont have any clue as to what you need and what you dont need. And it doesn't even really help to take anyone with you! Lol. B/c you will see that just b/c your friend/family likes a certain thing you may hate it - or your little one may hate it! It's kind of learn as you go.

    Now, dont' worry. You will learn with your first what to do with your second! Lol.

    Btw, you look beautiful! I think pregnant women are absolutely beautiful!
