Monday, June 1, 2009

Stressful Day

Well, I've been having all kinds of things going on for the past few days and this morning I was feeling much worse. I was only at work for about an hour and it got to the point where it seriously hurt to walk. I've been having that issue for a few days now, but this morning it got really bad so I left work and went in to see the doctor. He checked me out and had an ultrasound tech. paged from the hospital to check to see what was going on. Bean is just fine at this point.....she was mule kicking me away while we were doing the ultrasound and it was so funny to see. The doctor came back to talk to me and told me that my cervix is thinning and I'm experiencing pre-term labor. He gave me a shot to help stop it, but apparently, the shot makes the pains worse before it makes them better. Lovely. Let me just say it's not the most comfortable experience, but whatever it takes to keep my baby girl in there longer is worth it. I'm to stay home for the next two days and do NOTHING. I go back Wednesday for another check and I'll be doing the shots weekly to keep the labor away as much as possible. Needless to say I'm terrified, but I'm trying my best to stay calm because stressing is not good for me, and most importantly, it's not good for Bean. My doctor was very confident that since we caught this early, I'll be able to carry her to term as long as I continue the shots. Oh Bean......mommy loves you so very much. I'll do everything in my power to keep you safe and sound in there until it's time.


  1. Oh how scarey. I will say a little prayer for you and your little bean.

  2. I'm thinking about you both right now. I know in my heart everything will be wonderful for you and for the little bean.
