Friday, March 6, 2009

Baby Hill Update

Sam and I went in for our second doctor's appointment today at 13 weeks 2 days and it went very well. We were able to ask all of our questions and we were reassured by all of the things the doctor had to say. I've been worried because lately I just don't "feel" pregnant. No all day "morning" sickness, no exhaustion just a little tired. I actually feel better now than I ever felt before I was pregnant! The nurse came in with the doppler and let me hear my baby's heart beat and I instantly felt better. It was like I had this intense need to just hear my baby. I don't think I could have gone another month without hearing that beautiful sound. As soon as I heard it, my world was right again. My baby and I are both healthy and my doctor told me over and over to enjoy the fact that this pregnancy has gone so well. Now that I know that the love of my life is safe and snug in there I'll be able to do just that. Our next appointment is scheduled April 9, and if Bean cooperates, we'll be able to find out if Bean is a boy or a girl. I can't wait to see all of the changes Bean has gone through!

Sam and I are going to go shopping tomorrow for a few things. Sam is completely against gender neutral clothing in greens and yellows and I can't figure it out. I figure we can get bath stuff and whatever else we can find. I still haven't decided if I'll do cloth diapers or not, but even if I do, I'm sure I'll use disposable when we go places so I guess I could start picking up diapers in different sizes.

You know, I never dreamed that I would fall in love with someone I have never even met. How can I love this little person so very much? I feel like I want this pregnancy to last forever simply because I know that my baby and I are the closest now that we will ever be again. We are literally one in the same at this point, and I know that once my baby is born, I will never be able to protect him/her as much as I feel like I can right now. Of course I can't wait to meet and hold my precious baby. I can't wait to see the person he/she becomes. I have so many hopes and dreams for this baby and I hope that he/she never ever questions how much they are loved and wanted.


  1. Oh, Maria! I'm so glad that everything went well. :) Love you!

  2. Ur sooo lucky, not feeling pregnant. Juicy's pregnant and I'm having the "pregnancy crap"! I feel pregnant, AND I'M NOT!
